fredag den 30. oktober 2009

VM i skak - fortsat!

Det er desværre ikke lykkedes at få hul igennem til turneringen, hverken vores udsendte medarbejder personligt eller via turneringens hjemmeside.
Der er ikke megen sjov ved at vise jer at Flemming taber til Nils Åke Malmdin i 3.runde, det er kun at betragte som hærværk, så det viser vi ikke!
Derimod vender vi tilbage - med garanti inden næste år - med lidt sjove partier fra begivenheden når de foreligger:)

søndag den 25. oktober 2009

VM i Skak i Italien (for seniorer)!

Th.Eventyrskakklubben/Næstveds CoffeeMaster & internationale Skakmester, Seniorskakverdensmesterskabskandidaten Flemming Preuss, her foreviget under det berømte "popcornparti" 2004, som i heftig tidsnød sluttede remis med alle tilbageværende popcorn (og skål) på brættet:)
Deltagerlisten kan ses her!
Som I kan se er der en masse danskere med, som muntrer sig med at spille skak, efter det lange arbejdsliv nu har givet plads til noget fritid!

Fra Næstved Skakklubs 100 års jubilæum- den velkendte Kai Sten th.mod en ung talentfuld mand
Vi har sendt næsten hele danskerkolonien til VM denne gang :
Jørgen Hvenekilde (sensationen ved VM 2008), John Zachariassen (manden der bragte Kasparov og Deep Blue til Danmark!), Jørgen Jørgensen, Poul E.N.Olesen (sensationen ved DM 2009),Bo Jakobsen (tidligere DM & 1-0 mod journalisten), Ole Jakobsen (tidligere DM & 2-0 mod forfatteren af disse linier), Jørn Sloth(DM i skak 2009 & Danmarks eneste korrespondanceskakVM engang), Flemming Preuss (Eventyrskakklubben/Næstved, 15 gange klubmester i Næstved),Kai Sten Nielsen(Næstved, 10 gange klubmester i Næstved), Peter Nielsen og Johannes Vestergaard er med fra Danmark

fredag den 23. oktober 2009

VM i skak - lige før det går løs!

Husk at krydse fingre for vores skakvenner Flemming og Kai!
Følg verdensmesterskabet på turneringens hjemmeside:

Vi bringer lige lidt oplysninger fra turneringen:


A competition held by FIDE and the Italian Chess Federation.
Organizer: Arcoworldchess Pernici Rigo Cristina

The organizer invites all senior Ladies and Gentlemen throughout the world to participate at the 19° Open FIDE World Senior Chess Championship, which is to be held in Condino – Trentino.

All male players must have reached their 60th Birthday by 1.1.2009 and all female players must have reached their 50th Birthday by 1.1.2009.

Do not miss this opportunity to play with former world champions, legendary Grandmasters, and many known friends in such a world Championship. The organizer is proud to present this offer.

The registration period ends on September 30, 2009

Even with our modest funds, we will endeavour to turn this World Senior Championship into a high – ranking social as well as sports event.

The competition is going to take place in the in the Congress Hall of the beautiful resort Condino.
The players will certainly be interested inthe programme, which will be lively and supplemented by a number of additional events.
As usual you will find here the hotels available, rules and application form. You will also find a small map for an easier arrival.

FIDE, Fsi, Cristina Pernici Rigo and the town of Condino wish you a nice trip and an unforgettable stay in Trentino.

Tournament Direction: International Arbiter Cristina Pernici Rigo.

Announcement / Regulation

The Championship shall be played in 11 rounds of the Swiss System The time control shall be 90 minutes for the first 40 moves followed by 30 minutes for the rest of the game with an addition of 30 seconds per move starting from move 1. (FIDE rules 2006)
Computer assisted draw confirmed by FIDE and FSI.

Any player who attives at the chessboard more than 0 min after the scheduled start of the session shall lose the game

Participation: player who is registered by his/her federation.

Prior to the beginning of the first round an appeals committee shall be elected by the players consisting of three members and two reserve.

Arbiters team: Chief arbiter will be the International Arbiter Mr. Reinhold Unterreitmeier (Ger) assisted by a staff of multilingual arbiter team A.I. Cristina Pernici Rigo (Ita), A.I. Johan Zwanepol (Ned) A.I. Almog Burstein (Isr), A. F. Italo Vittorio Ginevrini (Ita) A.F. Giuseppe Buonocore (Ita) A.C.N. Gerhard Bertagnolli (Ita)

If a protest is submitted against a decision of the arbiters, it must be submitted in writing to the Chief arbiter within two hours after the end of the playing session

Winner and Senior World Champion 2009 will be the person at the end of the tournament, who has scored the highest number of point. If two or more players are tied the following tiebreak’s shall be used:
1- Result of direct encounters between tied players (applies only if all tied players have played each other).
2- The sum of progressive scores. The highest total wins. If still tied, deduct the first round score, and if necessary the second round score and so on.
3- If still tied, the number of games played with black by each player in the tie. (the highest number wins)
4- If still tied, the average rating of the 7 top rated opponents of each player. (the highest number wins)

The title of “Grandmaster” will be conferred to the winner of the 19° FIDE World Senior Chess Championship 2009 who will receive the Gold medal. The second place will receive a Silver medal, the third place is awarded a Bronze medal.
The same rules for the medals award are applied to the participating women players, who play separately within their own tournament.

tirsdag den 20. oktober 2009

VM i skak!

Om lidt deltager vore gode skakven Flemming Preuss i Verdensmesterskaberne i skak!
Det er Senior VM i Condino-Valle del Chiese i Italien i perioden 27.10 - 08.11.2009 hvor Flemming har taget sin gode ven Kai Sten Nielsen med for at ryste dem alle!
Følg verdensmesterskabet på turneringens hjemmeside:
Kryds fingre for Flemming og Kai!

torsdag den 1. oktober 2009

VM for seniorer

Gardehusaren fra Næstved, Flemming, indtager her Ringsteds gågade
Nordensmesterskabet for seniorer vandtes for nylig af Westerinen.
Men seniorerne har travlt, der er hele tiden nye turneringer der kalder:
Ved VM for seniorer i oktober har Eventyrskakklubbens udsendte reporter Flemming Preuss den fornøjelse at deltage sammen med andre kendte skakpersonligheder fra det danske land:)
Vi venter spændt på reportagerne herfra!